Secret Files of the Inquisition
New Links, part 3

New Links, part 2

Image magazine

Once upon a time, when our children were either very small or not born yet, my wife and I had a serious discussion with Greg and Suzanne Wolfe about working together on some kind of project having to do with the advancement of the arts and Christianity. I mention the children because they were very intrigued and perhaps a little nervous about going to visit "the wolfs." That project didn't work out, but Greg and Suzanne went on to found what has proven to be a lasting and important effort, centered, as I understand, on the magazine and encompassing conferences and such. I've heard it mentioned respectfully by secular arts people, and it certainly has plenty of admirers on this side. I'd feel that I was concealing something if I didn't admit that it's sometimes more Fine Artsy than I am. But: "Art, Faith, Mystery": that's my kind of talk.



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