St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
She is one of the saints to whom I'm very much drawn. Nevertheless I only realized tonight, when I opened up the Magnificat, that today is her feast day. As there are still some forty minutes left before midnight, I can still mark the day with a few of her words from the paragraphs reproduced in Magnificat from A Word in Season.
Pre-TypePadThe words "Your will be done" must be the rule of the Christian's life in all their fullness.... For all other cares the Lord will make himself responsible....[E]very one of us is always balancing, as it were, on the edge of the knife between nothingness and the fullness of the divine life....If we belong to Christ, we have to live the whole Christ-life. We must mature into his humanity, we must one day begin the way of the cross to Gethsemane and to Golgotha. And all sufferings that come from without are as nothing compared with the dark night of the soul, when the divine light no longer shines, and the voice of the Lord no longer speaks. God is there, but he is hidden and silent.
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