To Blog or Not to Blog
Amy Welborn is backing off her blog, which has been sort of a major hub of the Catholic blogosphere. This doesn't come as a great surprise. I've often wondered how she ever got anything else done. Even the relatively small amount of posting I do here takes a fair amount of time, which is in a very direct way time not spent on more extensive writing projects. I've considered giving it up, but I plan to continue for a mildly amusing reason: it's a sort of trick I play on myself. Having started something like the Sunday night journal (which will be up later today, btw), I feel some sense of obligation to keep it going as long as there is even a handful of people who show up from week to week to check it out. This means that I will do some writing. Theoretically, time spent on the journal is time not spent on, for instance, the great unfinished yea barely begun narrative poem. In practice, though, time not spent on the journal might well be time wasted. So I continue.
A favorite aphorism: In theory there's no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is.
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