There's Something About Bono...
A Marvelous Passage from Sir Thomas Browne

Two Completely Unrelated Links

(1) Grumbling to myself yesterday about Chris Rea's Blue Cafe not being distributed (through normal channels) in this country, it occurred to me to look him up on Wikipedia and see if there was any interesting information about his work over the past few years. Quite a lot, as it turns out: he was seriously ill a few years ago (the article is a bit vague) and has taken his career in a totally different direction. Here's the article. At the end of it there's a link to his official site which contains more info and some sound samples.

(2) Maybe I'm the last one to hear about this, but I just discovered The Poetry Archive. I came across it because I was talking to someone about the recording I once heard of Yeats reading "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" (which I remember as sounding something like "I WILL arise and ghoooh nooow / and ghoooh to Innis. Frreeee"). The Archive has it, and, to my astonishment, recordings of Tennyson, Browning, and Kipling. It had never occurred to me that the lives of the first two did, just barely, overlap the introduction of sound recording (Edison introduced his machine in 1877). Unfortunately I haven't been able to listen to any of these because they're in RealAudio format, which I really don't want to install, but I guess I'll have to.



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