This is Great News
A Few Amusing Things

Wounds (a hard saying)

This is from one of the daily meditations in Magnificat.

Which one of us can say that we are not wounded in some way? Who among us still does not have open wounds? This wounded existence is us, every one of us. It is the first school for being able to be close to the wounds of others.....

You know what mercy means? It means to become wounded by sin....

There is only one cure to heal the wounds of the heart, of the conscience, and of life: the love of God. If you do not have this love, do not go near these wounds. Otherwise, you just put the knife back in the wound, deceiving others that you can heal them with your love.

—Mother Elvira Petrozzi

I had not heard of Mother Elvira before; the attribution says that she is “foundress of Comunità Cenàcolo, welcoming the lost and desperate in fifty-six fraternities in fourteen countries.“



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