New test post
Two Totally Unrelated Items

Not Much Happening Here For a Bit

There are several things I'd like to post about, but I'm so busy trying to figure out what to do about the Blogger and HaloScan changes that I don't have time for much else. As of now it's probable that will remain where it is, and the blog up to some date in the near future will also stay there, and the blog from that date forward will be somewhere else, probably at WordPress. I would move the entire blog, but there doesn't seem to be any way to keep the comments if I do that, and the discussions here are half the fun at least. I've succeeded in getting Echo to work in what I think is it's as-designed way on Blogspot. But it appears that the business of opening up the page for the individual post before you can get to the comments is the way it's designed. I'm awaiting Echo's definitive answer to that question. If there's no way to make it behave like HaloScan in that respect, I don't want to keep using it. And if I'm not going to use Echo, then I'll probably start Phase 2 of the blog at WordPress, because I like WordPress's commenting better than Bloggers. (TypePad was an option but they haven't bothered to reply to an email question about importing from Blogger/HaloScan, so never mind...) I would really like to get this all resolved soon. If possible, I'd like to make the switch on March 1. Until this is over I probably won't be posting much besides the SNJ.


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