As is so often the case with anything involving computers, this process has taken much longer than expected. And even now, only posts going back to mid-January or so have been converted. The reason for that is...well, never mind, you don't care about the details. Suffice to say that there is a limit, a fairly small limit, on the amount of data I can get out of Blogger and into TypePad in one operation. And to work backward through the old blog to retrieve all posts is going to be a somewhat lengthy process, one in which I'll probably be engaged occasionally throughout the next week or two.
Because I lost the ability to publish to much sooner than planned (long story), I've had to continually scale back my plans for what I had hoped to have in place for this initial launch. For instance, this is a stock template. I'd like to change some things--colors, for instance. But that's going to take a bit of time and effort, and I don't want the blog to be inactive for that long.
What do you think of this basic design? There were several candidates, one of which looked somewhat like the old blog, but in a pastel green which I didn't like and couldn't modify quickly. Some of the others were attractive but used a small sans-serif typeface which I don't find as readable as this. Again, I could change that, but not immediately.
My only reservation about this layout is the width of the text column. To me it seems a bit wide for comfort--the lines are a little too long. What do you think?
Another thing I haven't done is think of something important to say or show in this first post. Oh well. Maybe a rush job is really more appropriate. A little late, in a hurry, worried that I've forgotten something, sure I didn't do it as well as I should have--it's just like the rest of my life. So, welcome.
Oh, and by the way: the old comments are here, or should be. When you see, at the end of a post but still in the body, something like "Comments(10)", that's a link to the Echo comments on that post.
And perhaps most important of all, Janet's Undead Threads should make the transition. You'll notice I don't have a lot of other stuff, like the links sidebar. Later...