Latest oil spill news
This is really bad. Fairly stiff south wind. Possibility of rain tonight and tomorrow--I don't know what the effect of that would be. Reportedly oil is already contacting that marshy peninsula where Louisiana doesn't so much have a coast as blend slowly into the sea. It won't get to the Alabama coast for another day or so but it seems inevitable that it will; the question is just how much.
Update: Large impressive photos.
Update 2: The weather is making things worse.
I can't even make myself read this.
Posted by: Janet | 04/30/2010 at 01:10 PM
Well, it's not "gruesome" in the sense of describing the harm done, but it's pretty discouraging.
I really want to know what went wrong, and of course whether BP & Transocean were negligent. I'm worried that we may never know.
In the worry over the spill, people are forgetting that 11 people died in the initial event.
Posted by: Mac | 04/30/2010 at 01:21 PM
Burning it off might be an option, though one with its own issues, but the oil coating might be too thin to burn successfully.
Posted by: | 04/30/2010 at 02:04 PM
One expert is faulting...whoever...for not having tried that earlier. Besides the thinness, the more volatile flammable components tend to evaporate.
Posted by: Mac | 04/30/2010 at 02:06 PM
Your link is a link to Conversion Diary and I don't see any pictures.
Posted by: Janet | 04/30/2010 at 02:19 PM
No it isn't.
Thanks. That was Karen's fault--I was sending her the conversion diary link at the same time she was sending me the oil spill link. :-)
Posted by: Mac | 04/30/2010 at 02:27 PM