Mid-Week Miscellany
Windy and Carl


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Am I bad because I read the Hugh Laurie one first?



Laurie's apologia for Wodehouse--and himself--rings reassuringly true for this father of three teenagers (and two future teenagers). The world of Wooster and Jeeves is a world, above all, of order; and order is what it takes maturing human beings a depressingly long time to recognize and assimilate into their own Weltanschauung (a word that Bertie Wooster would have relished using and at which Jeeves would have winced).

There comes a moment in the intellectual and moral development of every human being in which he realizes that rules of conduct are not an annoyance devised for the express purpose of making his own life more miserable but rather a system under which other people (assuming they submit to the system) will be rendered less of an annoyance to him. That moment is the foundation of civilization.

That's brilliant, Jeff. And that's very true about "Weltanschaung." I guess Bertie might garble it amusingly.

That's very well put, Jeff. Quotable, even.

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