Perhaps you've heard of the Darwin Awards. I think the idea began as only a joke of unknown origin: a Darwin Award was proposed for people who brought about their own deaths in strikingly stupid ways, thus, according to evolutionary doctrine, improving the human race by removing their stupid genes (I mean, the genes that made them stupid) from the pool. The classic example is given in the old adage about sawing off the limb you're sitting on.
I thought of that idea this morning on the way to work. It was foggy, and on the Mobile Bay bridge people were tailgating at 75-to-85 miles per hour (120-135 km/hour). This is a really, really stupid thing to do, because you can find yourself very abruptly unable to see more than 30ft/10m ahead, and totally unable to avoid crashing into the car in front of you if, somewhere up ahead, traffic begins to slow or stop. Back in 1992 there was a pileup involving over 100 cars in just such a situation: one car hit a guardrail or something, and then a chain reaction followed, with one car after another piling into the others. Amazingly, only one person was killed.
Anyway, I thought of the Darwin Awards, as I cruised along at 70 in the right lane with a safe hundred feet between me and the next car, and people passed me in the left lane doing 80 with only ten feet or so between them.
It occurred to me that death-by-stupidity is only Darwinian if the deceased had no children. Once you've had a child, or children, it doesn't matter what happens to you--your genes have been passed on, though of course the more children the better, from the evolutionary point of view.
And then it hit me that a lot of the people who laugh at Darwin Award winners are probably qualified for it themselves, by virtue of their decision to have no children, or perhaps to have only one, when others are having three or five or ten. Worldwide, it's the most educated and sophisticated people--those who invented and are amused by the Darwin Awards--who are having the fewest children. I keep reading that the native populations of some countries in Europe are already in an irreversible population decline because of a deliberately chosen low birth rate.
Of course I'm a Christian, and I don't believe that Darwinistic criteria should be a guide to human behavior, or a measure of achievement, or that evolution explains everything. But those who do think that way tend to be the same educated and sophisticated people who deliberately choose to have few or no children (as opposed to being prevented or hindered by circumstances). So you have to wonder just how smart they are, according to their own evolutionary views.