Those Were the Days
"Protestantism Has Had A Good Run"


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I sometimes feel as if all of modern life is caught up in some out-of-control, increasingly nutty, marketing campaign.

And it's getting so aggressive with lawsuits. I've been half-expecting to get a cease-and-desist letter from Apple about my name.

I've seen advertisements for self-help type stuff offering advice on how to develop "your personal brand."

Crazy, man!

I once composed a letter to US Bank offering to name my next child "US Bank" if they would pay for the child's college education. I didn't have the courage to send it.

The Truman Show.

I once wrote a sci-fi story set in a future where everyone's name was a famous brand followed by (tm). "Okay, Pepsi(tm), what do you think?)" I wasn't sure whether (tm) would be pronounced, or how.

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