52 Authors: Week 29 - Josephine Tey
Wendell Berry and Pope Francis


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Well, I read the first one and it's lovely-- absolutely delightful. Better than her books. ;-)

I love the idea that having sheets with the order of service instead of everyone having his own prayer book allows the priest to do whatever. I can see how true that is.

I'll read the second one at lunch.


I thought you would. I was pretty sure you would, actually.

Funny, I pretty much also thought the interview was "better than her books".

I was struck by what she said about the Book of Common Prayer: "I think the Prayer Book contains everything that any human being needs when worshipping God, absolutely everything." There's been talk here at LODW before about the Prayer Book and its beauty. High time I took a look at it.

At our CSL Society meetings, we always begin our prayer with the collect of the day from the BCP--the one Lewis would have used. It's always very beautiful.

Maclin, which of those things? Like it? like it better than the books? Like that part about the prayer book?


I was thinking "I thought you would like it", meaning the interview. The last two words didn't make it from brain to fingers, apparently.

I'd like to get hold of the Prayer Book she's referring to. There actually are a daunting number of variations. The American ones, both recent and past, are somewhat different.

"better than her books"--yeah, now that you mention it, I guess that thought was sort of half-formed at the back of my mind. I have enjoyed the books but generally not as much as I think I'm going to.

TAP: And why would they ask your opinion? It is not as if you know anything about books that actually resonate with people.

PDJ: It is a mystery, my dear.

I'm wondering if she is deliberately clever here. If so, it is very clever. If not, too bad.


And I love it that she said that the people on the commission were humorless. I find so often that religious progressives are.

One thing I really hate about the current ban on saying anything and everything is that there are so many really funny things that I would like to say, but I frequently have to hold my tongue.


I'm not sure what you mean about the deliberate cleverness.

Well, the interviewer is making a sarcastic remark about her books that resonate with people, and she says "It's a mystery." Is she referring to her books? Mysteries?


Oh yeah, I see. I thought maybe she was making a religious joke.

That never crossed my mind.


And it never crossed my mind that she was referring to her mystery books. Duh.

Well, uncrossed mind was just as DUH.



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