52 Movies: Week 32 - Akira Kurosawa's Dreams
Previous to watching Akira Kurosawa's Dreams I had seen four movies directed by Kurosawa: Rashomon, The Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, and I Live in Fear. All of these movies were made early in his career, between 1950 and 1961. The first three are jidaigeki films (from which Jedi warriors), period dramas set in the Samurai period. I Live in Fear is the story of a man who, after living through World War II, is obsessed with idea that there will be further nuclear war and who is desperately trying to move his family to a place in Brazil that he thinks will be safe. All of these films are very serious. Where there is humor if there is any, it is a sort of comic relief, and we need it. There is no humor that I can remember in I Live in Fear. All these films employ to some extent that over-exaggerated style of acting that we have discussed elsewhere on this blog.
Akira Kurosawa's Dreams on the other hand, was made in 1990, only eight years before Kurosawa's death, and while it incorporates elements of the older films, for the most part it is very different. I don't remember where I came across the film. I must have been looking around Netflix when it caught my eye, and I put it on my DVD list. Wikipedia cites The Warrior's Camera: The Cinema of Akira Kurosawa by Stephen Prince as saying that this film is based on dreams that Kurosawa said he had had repeatedly. There are eight dreams in which the main character is Kurosawa. They vary in style and mood from the very serious to the whimsical. They also vary in quality.
It may be the uneven merit of the different dreams that accounts for the wide disparity of opinion on the film. The Rotten Tomatoes website gave it a Tomatometer rating of 55%, and looking around the web, that seems about right. Vincent Canby in a New York Times review on August 24, 1990, used terms like, sublime, astonishingly beautiful, and pure screen enchantment to describe the film. He also said, “For Kurosawa, the present is not haunted by the past. Instead, it's crowded by an accumulation of other present times that include the future. The job is keeping them in order, like unruly foxes,” which I think is accurate, although I'm not sure I entirely get what he means.
On the other hand, Hal Hinson writing for the Washington Post (September 14, 1990), opined, “By titling his new film 'Akira Kurosawa's Dreams,' the Japanese master has engaged in a little false advertising. 'Pontifications' might have served as a more accurate header. Or better yet, 'Sermons.'" His description is at least partially true. The dreams are a bit, sometimes quite a bit, heavy-handed on the topics of nuclear radiation, and the environment. Of course, this isn't unusual in Japanese films, and it's quite understandable. It occurs to me that the Japanese are preoccupied with these topics in much the same way that we in the United States are preoccupied with race.
And then, while the dreams are more than sermons, they only resemble dreams in certain ways. For one thing, for the most part they aren't really finished. They may end like dreams, and leave you with that same feeling that you get when you are in the middle of what I think of as a story dream, and you wake up wondering, and really wanting to know what happened next. And then things happen that would not happen in real life. However, they are more coherent than any dream I can ever remember having. While mysterious things happen, Kurosawa, never finds himself suddenly in a different place or with different people, and the story never changes in mid-stream.
For the most part, I really enjoyed the film. I liked some of the dreams very much indeed, and one not at all. I think that most viewers, even those who most liked the film would feel the same, although their choices of the best and worst might differ. Some of them are quite short, and others fairly long. Some are very beautiful, and others rather hideous. I'll give a brief introduction to each one.
The first three dreams draw heavily on Japanese tradition and folklore.
Sunshine through the Rain
Unfortunately, this first dream is in my opinion the best. I kept waiting for another to match it in beauty and mystery, but none did, although there were a few that I liked almost as well. I was disappointed, but now you won't be, having been forewarned, but then, you may not agree this is the best.
In this dream, Kurosawa or “I” as the billing reads, is a small boy, about five. His mother warns him not to go out in the woods because the sun is shining through the rain. Foxes, which play a large part in Japanese folklore, like to have their wedding processions in this kind of weather and they don't like to be seen. Needless to say, the boy loses no time running out into the woods to see what he can see, and the procession that he sees is both beautiful and mysterious. Unfortunately, his curiosity leads to more serious consequences than he expects.
The Peach Orchard
This dream takes place on Hinamatsuri or Doll's Day , when Japanese families display dolls of the emperor and empress and others on a platform made of a series of steps, and have a special tea ceremony. In the dream, Kurosawa is about seven and his sister is having a celebration of the day with four of her friends. He sees a sixth girl, dressed in pink, who lures him outside where he finds the dolls come to life in the former peach orchard. This dream is also very beautiful, and I liked it almost as well as the first.
The Blizzard
Now grown, Kurosawa leads two other men on an exhausting and dangerous trek through a blizzard on a mountain. When they have reached the end of their endurance, they meet a Yuki-onna , a Japanese Snow Woman. What happens next confuses me, and if any of you watch the movie, I would love to hear what you think.
The Tunnel
We find Kurosawa walking down a deserted, unlovely road in the evening twilight when he is accosted by a mysterious, glowing dog running out of a tunnel. The dog never touches him, but as he exits the tunnel at the other end, he meets the ghost of man who had been under his command during the war, and who had died in his arms. In this dream, Kurosawa is man coming to grips with his past.
I love this one. This is the whimsical one. Kurosawa with his paints and canvas under his arm (he was a painter) strolls through a museum exhibit of paintings by Van Gogh and finds himself inside The Langlois Bridge at Arles with Women Washing. After consulting with the women, he crosses the bridge and finds Van Gogh in a hay field, head wrapped in a bandage, played by Martin Scorsese. A review of the movie on the website Open Culture said that it wasn't so much Scorsese playing Van Gogh as Van Gogh playing Scorcese. It is in any case humorous. Kurosawa wanders further afield through one Van Gogh painting after another in scenes that will be recognizable even to those who aren't particularly interested in art. He gets deeper and deeper into the paintings until he is walking on the very strokes of the paint. There's no story here, just a look an appreciation of Van Gogh's work. And it's fun.
Mount Fuji in Red
Crowds of people are running away from an abstract Mount Fuji from which flames are erupting. Is it a volcanic eruption? No, there are six nuclear plants exploding and there is no place to go. It's a warning and since the film was made 21 years before the Fukushima disaster, it seems to have been an apt warning. It is not, however, a good film.
The Weeping Demon
This one is painful to watch. Following on the theme of nuclear and environmental destruction, Kurosawa finds himself in a desert with giant dandelions, talking to ragged man with a horn on his head. This dream reminds me of the nuclear disaster sci-fi movies of the 50s, especially The Amazing Colossal Man. The only thing I can really remember about the movie, though, is that he was out in the desert and there were enormous dandelions.
The ragged man is a demon and he tells Kurosawa about the aftermath of the great disaster, and the people in the desert that used to be men, but are now demons. There is one scene that is reminiscent of a sort of Japanese Hieronymus Bosch. It is also reminiscent in a way of Kurosawa's earlier movies and has that over-emotive acting.
Village of the Watermills
In a complete change of atmosphere, Kurosawa finds himself in a beautiful little village built around a stream filled with watermills. At first, I thought this was just a movie set, but it was filmed at the Daio Wasabi Farm, which you can tour and where you can get, oh wonder of wonders, wasabi ice cream, and don't you wish we could all just go now. Anyway, it is very beautiful.
Here we see a great deal of the preachiness that Hinson talks about in his review as a 103 year old man tells Kurosawa about the wonderful, simple life that the villagers live. They don't have electricity, and they don't have a lot of inessential things, and they respect the environment. Now, all these things are very good things, and I agree with him in essence, but it's not always so simple. Still, it's very lovely and the movie ends with a joyful funeral procession for an old women who lived a good life. It is full of music and dancing and color, and brings us full circle from the quiet and somber wedding procession of the foxes.
A painting by Kurosawa
—Janet Cupo has been commenting on this blog for about as long as it's existed, and has her own excellent blog at The Three Prayers.
I watched this years ago, Janet, and only remember three of the dreams -- 1,4 & 5. I'll have to watch it again.
I didn't remember the snow sequence at all, but it's interesting that in the piece I just sent Mac on Kobayashi's anthology film Kwaidan, there is also a story in which features Yuki-onna.
Posted by: Rob G | 08/10/2016 at 09:05 AM
Some of these sound really great.
Posted by: Mac | 08/10/2016 at 02:04 PM
I suspect I might dream of wasabi ice cream.
Posted by: Paul | 08/10/2016 at 04:36 PM
Not I. This new (at least to me) fashion of combining sweet and fiery flavors is not to my liking.
Posted by: Mac | 08/10/2016 at 05:10 PM
Hey Mac -- slight correction needed in the title: it's Akira, not Akiro.
Posted by: Rob G | 08/10/2016 at 05:49 PM
Well, Paul didn't say it would be a good dream.
Posted by: Janet | 08/10/2016 at 06:25 PM
Fixed, Rob, thanks.
Posted by: Mac | 08/10/2016 at 06:35 PM
Here's the trailer. I think this is one I definitely want to see. Every week I think, at least, "That looks good, maybe I'll watch it some time." But usually that's just sort of a maybe-someday thought. This one I'll definitely put on my Netflix list, and not at the bottom.
Posted by: Mac | 08/10/2016 at 07:03 PM
Watching this film has made me very curious about Kurosawa. I wish I had time to read about him. How did he go from those dark, serious movies to the cheerful, colorful story that ends the movie--not that there aren't really dark stories in the movie.
I watched another of his movies, Red Beard, last weekend, and I will probably write about it. It's different from anything else I've seen by him.
Posted by: Janet | 08/10/2016 at 10:19 PM
Watched this last night -- hadn't seen it in at least 10 years. I thought 'The Blizzard' went on a bit longer than necessary, ditto 'Crows,' and other than the visuals I didn't care much for 'Mt. Fuji in Red.' But the scene with Yuki-Onna in 'The Blizzard' is excellent, and I loved the ending of 'Crows,' which made it worthwhile. The rest I liked very much.
(Spoiler Alert))
Janet, you asked about the scene in 'The Blizzard.' Here's what I think happens: Yuki-Onna appears and tries to get the last remaining man to fall asleep like the others, so they will all die in the snow. The man resists, Yuki-Onna turns from lovely and gentle to ugly and ferocious, but still can't get him to fall asleep. Thwarted, she flees, the storm subsides, and the men find themselves right near their camp, implying that the storm was her doing, and that they weren't really as lost as they believed they were.
Posted by: Rob G | 08/27/2016 at 09:43 AM
I finished watching this yesterday. I liked but I guess my reaction is somewhere between those of the two critics you quoted in the review. I had forgotten exactly what you said about each of the episodes, so it's interesting that I also liked the first one (fox wedding) best, and the second one (peach orchard) almost as much. I liked the water mill village one better than you did, probably because I didn't really pay much attention to the sermon and just enjoyed the place, and the wonderful procession at the end. I wasn't as taken with the van Gogh one, but that may partly be because I was interrupted several times while watching it.
That's a very plausible take on the Snow Woman story, Rob.
Posted by: Mac | 10/15/2016 at 09:21 AM
I did really like the last one for the reasons you stated. I did think there was a lot of preachiness in it, but that didn't outweigh the joy and beauty.
Rob: This is the first time I've seen your comment. It must have gotten lost in the sidebar. That was what I thought was the most likely explanation of the Yukki-Onna. I thought the walking part went on way too long, but maybe that's my American impatience.
Posted by: Janet | 10/16/2016 at 06:21 AM
Oh, and Van Gogh--probably the reason that i liked that more is that I just love Van Gogh, and am more familiar with those paintings--like that is why you might like something about John Coltrane better than I would.;-)
Posted by: Janet | 10/16/2016 at 06:24 AM
I thought the walking part in the blizzard story went on way too long, too. Actually I felt a little impatient at at times in some of the others and wondered about a Japanese vs. American difference in sensibility.
All in all, I thought the whole thing was as much a series of paintings as a series of stories.
Posted by: Mac | 10/16/2016 at 08:58 AM
Yes, he really did see them as paintings. If you Google "kurosawa painting from dreams" you will see several storyboards he painted for the movie.
Posted by: Janet | 10/16/2016 at 10:44 PM
All Criterion in-stock Blu-rays and DVDs are on sale for half price until noon EDT tomorrow (Oct.18). Of course, with Film Struck right around the corner, you might not want to do this, still there are some I might be interested in.
Posted by: Janet | 10/17/2016 at 02:45 PM
I sat down at the computer specifically to look at that, having seen an announcement somewhere else. I'm definitely buying Cries and Whispers. I think it's the only one of Bergman's major works that I don't have. I should be able to get it with Filmstruck but who knows if that will be around permanently.
I also saw, when I searched for Criterion Collection, an ad saying Filmstruck launches tomorrow. Good that I finally stripped down our AT&T Uverse bill. The "cable" companies seem to be facing the inevitable--I was able to get a bare minimum of channels for $50 less per month, and get rid of the hundreds we never or rarely watch, and have been uselessly sucking up money we can't especially afford. That meant giving up TCM but I can live without it. And anyway there'll probably be alternative ways of getting it.
Posted by: Mac | 10/17/2016 at 06:49 PM
Yes. I was kind of wondering if the timing of the sale had something to do with the launch of Filmstruck.
Posted by: Janet | 10/17/2016 at 08:03 PM
Ah, boo. Filmstruck delayed until November. But extra time for the Criterion sale.
Posted by: Janet | 10/18/2016 at 01:03 PM
I had to just order my one dvd that I *really* wanted and stop looking.
Posted by: Mac | 10/18/2016 at 02:43 PM
FYI: Barnes & Noble is currently having a 50% off sale on over 200 Criterion Collection films. Dreams is one of them.
Posted by: Rob G | 06/29/2018 at 07:32 AM
I really don't buy movies except for those that I know I will watch more than twice. There aren't all that many more-than-once and very few more-than-twice. If Netflix hadn't become available when it did I might have bought more, but now between dvd rentals and streaming there's not a whole lot I want to see that I can't get by one of those means.
I've been thinking that I need to either upgrade my FilmStruck subscription to include all the Criterion titles, or cancel it. So I looked just now for Dreams and either it isn't there or their search feature is really terrible. Though looking at their FAQ I see it doesn't explicitly state that *all* Criterion releases are available.
Posted by: Mac | 06/29/2018 at 10:30 AM
Let me check that from "inside."
They certainly have enough Criterion films to be worth it. I wouldn't keep Filmstruck without it.
Posted by: Janet | 06/29/2018 at 10:51 AM
Dreams is certainly one I would buy if I had a job. ;-) Some of them are so beautiful, and having watched the whole thing, you could pick and choose.
It is not currently on Filmstruck, but there are 26 Kurosawa films, so that is all but four. Like any of these services, the films come and go, but they have most of the Criterion Films at any given moment. For instance, they list 50-something for Bergman, although some of those are F&A parts 1,2 3,4 and however there may be, and a couple are about Bergman.
Posted by: Janet | 06/29/2018 at 11:35 AM
I can see it from the inside, too, as a FilmStruck subscriber. By default when I search it includes the Criterion Channel as well. It shows you a list and only when you click on a specific title does it tell you you can't see it and offer you the opportunity to upgrade. :-(:-(
When I saw that AK's Dreams is not there I thought maybe the dvd has been discontinued, hence the sale Rob mentions. But still, why would it not be available for streaming? I mean, why would you not put everything on a streaming service?--the bigger the selection, the more appealing. Maybe a question of the rights having changed hands or something.
Posted by: Mac | 06/29/2018 at 02:16 PM
I only know for certain that they cycle on and off. I have noticed in the past, though, that when something leaves Netflix, it might turn up on Amazon Prime. And CBS All Access (which it isn't) doesn't let you watch all seasons of its old series, so I wonder if the rights to a certain movie or show might be sold to Netflix, for example, for a certain period of time during which no one else can have it.
Or maybe they think they can keep you subscribed longer if things come and go.
I know there must be a reason.
Posted by: Janet | 06/29/2018 at 02:33 PM
I think Criterion has that sale every year.
Posted by: Janet | 06/29/2018 at 02:33 PM
Do you have a link to that sale, Rob? I can't find it.
Posted by: Janet | 06/29/2018 at 02:38 PM
I ordered 'Dreams,' and also Kobayashi's 'Harakiri' and 'Samurai Rebellion.' Less than $50 for all three.
Posted by: Rob G | 06/30/2018 at 09:33 AM
After this conversation, I decided to watch all of Kurosawa's films. So I am watching them, not in chronological order, but in the order of someone's ranking from worst to best. So far, I have watched two, but I had to change the order a bit because the worst was part two of the fourth worst.
I thought I might write about them, and I might, but I haven't yet.
Posted by: Janet | 07/16/2018 at 10:02 AM