A Worthless Sort of Christ
It is as though humanity were one of those enormous ocean liners that is a world in itself: apparatuses for the most varied purposes; collecting place for all kinds of passengers and crew with their responsibilities and accomplishments, passions, tensions, struggles. Suddenly someone appears on board and says: What each of you is doing is important, and you are right to try to perfect your efforts. I can help you, but not by changing this or that on your ship, it is your course that is wrong; you are steering straight for destruction.
Christ does not step into the row of great philosophers with a better philosophy; or of the moralists with a purer morality; or of the religious geniuses to conduct man deeper into the mysteries of life; he came to tell us that our whole existence, with all its philosophy and ethics and religion, its economics, art, and nature, is leading us away from God and into the shoals. He wants to help us swing the rudder back into the divine direction, and to give us the necessary strength to hold that course. Any other appreciation of Christ is worthless. if this is not valid, then every man for himself; let him choose whatever guide seems trustworthy, and possibly Goethe or Plato or Buddha is a better leader than what remains of a Jesus Christ whose central purpose and significance have been plucked from him.
--Romano Guardini, The Lord
That is a disturbing, challenging vision, precisely because it's so on target.
Posted by: Rob G | 04/08/2019 at 05:04 AM
He comes at that same basic insight several times from different angles. It's a great book.
Posted by: Mac | 04/08/2019 at 08:31 AM
I have started to write something similar to what Rob said several times. If you sit and think about what Guardini is saying, it is almost frightening.
Posted by: Janet | 04/08/2019 at 05:34 PM
It doesn't affect me that way. More just "right on." I kind of want to yell at people who put Jesus in the same category as Socrates or Buddha.
Posted by: Mac | 04/08/2019 at 06:28 PM