The Most Beautiful Phrase In the English Language?
One of the most, anyway:
Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration
I remember the first time I encountered it, many years ago, and being struck by its beauty. Like anything that gets pulled into everyday use, it ends up being taken for granted; losing its luster, and even, maybe, depending on where and how you encounter it, having unpleasant associations. But if you can clear all that away, it shines.
The phrase Perpetual Adoration alone is rather wonderful. I am happy that once a week, at least, sometimes more, I am able to participate in something that is called by that rich name.
Today is St. Clare's memorial, and here is a good post by Amy Welborn about her. I was struck by the advice she (Clare) gave to St. Agnes: appealing to her vanity, in a backwards, poverty is wealth, sort of way.
In the last few months I've begun going weekly to a chapel nearby that has Perpetual Adoration. Usually I go late at night. It's been a very good experience. I wish I could go more often.
Posted by: Craig | 08/12/2022 at 12:02 PM
Having young children would definitely be an obstacle. I have a regular 11pm Friday hour. Not the most convenient time but they were having trouble filling it. It's become a huge part of my devotional life.
Posted by: Mac | 08/12/2022 at 12:20 PM