Unfair, Unbalanced, Unrepentant
I did not intend to emphasize politics in this journal,
and, more specifically,
I did not intend to write about politics again this week. But I find
myself unable to stop thinking about the current presidential
campaign. What follows has been
bothering me for months; maybe I’ll be able
to leave it alone for a while now, although
the biggest news is yet to come.
I have bitten off a bigger subject here than I can handle
in the time or space I usually devote to these pieces,
so I may revise it later in the week.
What an exhausting and depressing campaign this has been. I
feel that way and I have been involved only as a spectator. The
sheer level of acrimony has begun to affect me like psychological
sandpaper. The country has not been so divided since the Vietnam
The media bear a lot of responsibility for the intensity of
the division. Never has the partisanship of the most visible
media empires—the New York Times, CBS,
et.al.—been more evident and less ashamed. I suppose the
clearest example of this is in the treatment of the military
service of Kerry and Bush, in which the media made it their business to
question Bush’s service and to defend Kerry’s. When
the Swift Boat Veterans began their attacks on John Kerry’s
military record, the New York Times ignored the story for a
couple of weeks and then, when it did not go away, attempted
not to investigate the charges but to discredit the veterans.
When Bush’s record was attacked, the attacks either
originated with or were happily amplified by the media, as in Dan
Rather’s eager trumpeting of what seem to have been bogus
But the bias shows itself in less colorful but more damaging
ways. For instance, the Deufler Report (
see here for the CIA’s summary) apparently
indicates that although Saddam Hussein did not have stockpiles of
weapons of mass destruction, he was nevertheless playing more or
less the sort of game the Bush administration and indeed the
Clinton administration had accused him of: attempting to wait out the
inspections and sanctions with the intention of restarting his
WMD programs when he could safely do so—which is to say
that he did in fact represent a long-term threat. But as
far as I can tell most news stories have emphasised only
the fact that no stockpiles existed and no active work
was in progress.
Similarly, the
media have repeated interminably, as a point against the
administration, the assertion that Saddam Hussein had no ties to
the 9-11 attacks, which is true but beside the point: the
administration’s claim was not that he masterminded 9-11
but that he was very much involved with the promotion of
terrorism. And although this latter claim is certainly true, the
media have left an impression in the public mind that Bush
lied—or, rather, BUSH LIED!!!—about Saddam’s
terrorist connections.
There was and is a reasonable and principled argument to be
made against the war, but most of its opponents have not bothered
to make it. The Kerry campaign is certainly not making it, since
its need to please both hawks and doves leaves it with little
room for anything but Monday-morning quarterbacking which runs
the gamut from nonsense to cheap shot. Probably the most cogent
domestic opposition came from the right, from the Pat
Buchanan-America First school of non-interventionism. And the
most persuasive international opposition was from the Pope, who
simply and passionately decried the loss of life that would
surely be involved. From the left, domestic and international, we
mostly had the unending shriek of BUSH LIED!!!, even before the
war started. It’s easy to forget now that this accusation
preceded not just the determination that Saddam Hussein
possessed no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, but indeed
the war itself. It was a given; most of the anti-war left began with
the assumption that the administration were simply bloodthirsty
liars (or psychopaths, or Zionist/neoconservative conspirators, or fools, or
sometimes all of the above).
The media in general have done very little to raise the level
of debate, and have helped in creating an environment in which
not only the bitter leftists of A.N.S.W.E.R
but prominent Democrats feel perfectly at ease in asserting
(or at least insinuating) that
the president took us to war based on a lie, even going so far as
to seat prominently at their convention—with an
ex-president no less—Michael Moore, whose film about the
war is by all accounts a tower of mendacity, and not very brave
mendacity at that, for it apparently proceeds by innuendo and
association, generally stopping short of actually stating the lie
which it is implying. (I am relying here on reports about the film,
because every time I considered going to see it
I was stopped by the prospect of my money ending up in Michael
Moore’s pocket. This analysis
seems to be a pretty thorough justification of my opinion.
I have browsed Moore’s books in
stores, enough to get a good sense of what he thinks
and how he operates rhetorically; on the basis of that I agree with
Victor Davis Hanson’s view that they
are “simple big-print screaming.”)
I sometimes wonder if the BUSH LIED!!! brigade really
understand and mean what they say. Sometimes it seems that they
don’t understand the distinction between lying and being
mistaken. Why would anyone tell a lie such as the one Bush is
accused of regarding WMD, knowing that it could not possibly
escape being disproved by actions which he himself was
initiating? It would be like a tax evader asking the IRS to audit
him. Or, on the other hand, if he was so very unscrupulous, why
would he hesitate to plant a little nerve gas or something
of that sort here and there to cement the deception? None of this
passes a basic sanity check, yet apparently millions of
people believe it.
And do Bush’s attackers really, truly believe that the
president of the United States started a war for the purpose of
enriching himself and his friends? I cannot think of anything
short of aiding an invading army which would so clearly qualify
as the “high crimes and misdemeanors” which
are grounds for impeachment.
I believe Bill Clinton was a very dishonest president, and in
many ways a bad one (though not so bad as he might have been
had he been less concerned with his own popularity).
But I never would have entertained such an accusation against
him, at least not without a lot of indisputable evidence. And if
I believed it about George Bush I would be agitating for his
I don’t think people like Michael Moore care much about
the truth as such; or say rather that they have a Larger Truth, for
instance that America is run by and for evil men, which makes
them indifferent to lesser truths, and certainly uninterested
in being fair. (This of course is an occupational hazard for
anyone with strong convictions, but a more honest person
makes at least some attempt to engage opposing arguments.)
Moore reminds me of people I knew
in my own days as a student radical, and I was struck
then by their lack of interest in truth. Their motivation lay
elsewhere, in some mysterious urge to savage the society
which had produced them (an urge which I also felt at the time
and still have not satisfactorily explained to myself)
and their interest in facts did not extend beyond those
which could be exploited for that purpose. Or perhaps Moore
and others like him are
best understood as conspiracy theorists,
convinced that they have the key to the Real Story which
explains everything and which causes them to
filter out any data which does not support the theory.
Perhaps all I’m doing here is describing the fanatic
mind, from which breadth and balance can hardly be expected.
But the press is supposed to be a corrective to fanaticism.
It is supposed to be the means by which
citizens in a democracy are informed of the truth,
enabled to see as comprehensive a picture as possible,
and if the press fails, for partisan reasons, to do its duty it is guilty of
a serious dereliction.
And what of the putatively serious statesmen of the Democratic
party who fawn over Moore and repeat, in more decorous language,
his assertions? Why, again, have they not moved to impeach a
president who, were these charges valid, would be a criminal the
like of which has never yet occupied the Oval Office? I
conclude that they don’t really believe what they are
saying, and that their willingness to keep saying it marks them
as far more unworthy than the man they are attacking.
Consider these three items, which paint a pretty good picture
of what the Democratic Party has come to in this campaign:
The image of the weeping and terrified CARE worker begging
for her life last week after being kidnapped by men who have
already demonstrated that they regard with demonic glee the
prospect of using a butcher knife to saw off the head of a
helpless and harmless person.
Michael Moore’s encouragement of men like these. Do you
think I’m being harsh or unfair? Judge his words for
yourself: “The Iraqis who have risen up against the
occupation are not ‘insurgents’ or ‘terrorists
or ‘The Enemy.’ They are the REVOLUTION, the
Minutemen, and their numbers will grow—and they will
win.” And this: “I’m sorry, but the majority of
Americans supported this war once it began and, sadly, that
majority must now sacrifice their children until enough blood has
been let that maybe—just maybe—God and the Iraqi
people will forgive us in the end.”
Entire piece here; it was written back in April and
Moore does not seem to be talking this way anymore, perhaps
having decided, after the televised beheadings, that
praise of these “Minutemen” is impolitic.)
Jimmy Carter’s statement that his two favorite movies
are Casbablanca and Fahrenheit 911. Carter may be a
decent man in his private life but with his support of people
like Moore he is putting the final nails in the coffin of his
already shaky reputation as a statesman.
Note that the Democratic convention, at which Moore was
very visibly seated next to ex-President Carter,
occurred months after Moore made the statements above.
The Democrats have embraced a man who has made it his
business to poison the wells of debate about the war
and who believes that the other side should win.
Most of the media apparently think this is acceptable,
but that there is something illicit about a group of
Vietnam veterans questioning Kerry’s service.
The Democratic Party and the Kerry-Edwards campaign ought to
be pressed to confront their association with these repulsive
statements and tactics, either to repudiate them or to justify
them openly, as would be demanded of, say, a Republican candidate
who hobnobbed with the KKK. But the mainstream media, willing to
denounce as liars some 250 Vietnam veterans, is silent on this,
either because they agree with it or because they think
Bush’s defeat too important to put at risk.
Journalists ought to be like judges, intent on making sure
that all the facts are put plainly before a jury. Instead too
many of them have become mere bellowing lawyers, concerned only
with winning and indifferent to justice. My opinion of George W.
Bush’s presidency is very mixed
(for the record, I describe myself as an uneasy supporter of the war).
But I hope he wins this election. More than that, though, I hope and pray that
the truth will win. Let the chips fall where they may, not where
fanatics of any stripe want to put them.