Week 1: The Darkling Thrush (Thomas Hardy)
Week 2: I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud (Wordsworth)
Week 4: This Is Just to Say (Williams)
Week 5: Conscientious Objector (Edna St. Vincent Millay)
Week 6: The Servant Girl At Emmaus (Denise Levertov)
Week 8: Dover Beach (Matthew Arnold)
Week 9: Deus, Ego Amo Te (Gerard Manley Hopkins)
Week 10: Le Roi S'amuse (C.S. Lewis)
Week 11: Note to J. Alfred Prufrock (Billy Collins)
Week 12: Little Orphant Annie (James Whitcomb Riley)
Week 13: The Universal Prayer (Victor Hugo)
Week 14: There Never Was Time (Byron Herbert Reece)
Week 15: Upon a House Shaken By the Land Agitation (Yeats)
Week 16: World-Telegram (John Berryman)
Week 17: To Charles Williams (C.S. Lewis)
Week 18: To A Woman Seen From A Train (Frances Darwin Comford)
Week 19: As One Listens to the Rain (Octavio Paz)
Week 20: Ballad of Fine Days (Phyllis McGinley)
Week 21: Home Is So Sad (Philip Larkin)
Week 22: somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond (e.e. cummings)
Week 23: The Prophet (Alexander Pushkin)
Week 24: An Old Man's Winter Night (Robert Frost)
Week 25: When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer (Walt Whitman)
Week 26: Adlestrop (Edward Thomas)
Week 27: Musée des Beaux Arts (W.H. Auden)
Week 28: Not Waving but Drowning (Stevie Smith)
Week 29: Naming of Parts (Henry Reed)
Week 30: The Horses (Edwin Muir)
Week 31: In the Time of the Tumult of Nations (Samuel Hazo)
Week 32: The "Cynara" poem (Ernest Dowson)
Week 33: Thrice Toss These Oaken Ashes (Thomas Campion)
Week 34: The Country Clergy (R.S. Thomas)
Week 35: The Lantern Out of Doors (Hopkins)
Week 36: Song of the Ents and Entwives (Tolkien)
Week 37: First Ode for a Very Young Lady (Anselm Hollo)
Week 38: For the Anniversary of My Death (W.S. Merwin)
Week 39: Epistle To Be Left In the Earth (Archibald MacLeish)
Week 40: The Windows (George Herbert)
Week 41: House of Rest (John Betjeman)
Week 42: The Latest Decalogue (Arthur Hugh Clough)
Week 43: Four Preludes on Playthings of the Wind (Carl Sandburg)
Week 44: Why Should Not Old Men Be Mad? (Yeats)
Week 45: Bridge Morning (Sally Thomas)
Week 46: The Parable of the Old Man and the Young
Week 48: Danny Deever (Kipling)
Week 49: Corruption (Henry Vaughan)
Week 50: The Wish (Abraham Cowley)